Adult Orthodontics
Don't let age stop you from having the straight teeth you've always dreamed of. Braces aren't just for kids anymore. Parents are still making regular trips to the orthodontist's office, but for themselves as the patient.More than 1 million grown-ups are sporting some form of braces, double the number from 10 years ago, according to the American Association or Orthodontists (AAO).
Numerous technological advances have made braces less noticeable, less painful and even less time-consuming. As America's baby boomers have become more health conscious, they're rejecting the notion that loosing teeth and dentures are a routine part of growing older.
People are exercising more and eating healthier. Braces are another way of demonstrating that you care about yourself and your overall health. Adults want to maintain their teeth and look better.
It's Never Too Late
Braces are not just for kids. Teeth can be straightened at any age. The biological process involved in tooth movement is the same for both children and adults.Often, adult patients are more appreciative of the many benefits of orthodontic treatment, after having lived with unfavorable smiles and bites for many years.
Braces Have Never Been Easier
The new techniques and the materials (heat-activated and nickel titanium wires) today have greatly decreased the discomfort of wearing braces, the frequency of office visits and overall treatment time.Having straight teeth is important not only for children, but for adults as well. As we grow older, our teeth tend to grow inward, creating crowding - a common problem for many teens and adults. As a result, it may be difficult to keep teeth clean and healthy. Straightening your teeth with the Invisalign system can treat the crowding and thereby help you maintain your dental health. It can also help you get the smile you've always wanted!